Second Call for applications for the Startup Acceleration program

CEED Hub Skopje is happy to announce that the second call for applications for the Acceleration Program is now open!
The Acceleration Program will start from September 2017 for which USAID Micro and Small Enterprise Project, supported by Swiss Government and implemented by CEED Macedonia has secured an Acceleration Investment Fund in total amount of $50.000, which will be invested in the selected start-ups.

Cool stuff such as co-working facilities, networking opportunities, advisers, events, perks, fund scouting, and support in developing of the products/services will be provided as well.

During the program, a network of more than fifteen mentors and instructors will support the start ups. At the end of the 15 weeks, they will have a chance to pitch their startup at an open Demo Day event with venture capitalists, business angels and venture funds.

For the program can apply startups and companies that:

  • are registered company in Macedonia not older than 5 years,
  • or willing to register by the end of the program,
  • have an innovative idea,
  • have a great and functional team and have some prototype,
  • are dedicated to problem-solving with a flexible mindset ready to make changes

The program provides special benefits for social enterprises that will apply for the program.
The call for Applications for the Acceleration program is open till August 25 th 2017.
Only the selected candidates will be interviewed.

For more information please contact Maja Trajkova at +386 78 459 067 or

[button title=”Apply” icon=”” icon_position=”right” link=”” color=”#2d2c45″ font_color=”#fff” large=”2″ target=”_blank” ]

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