Call for applications for Pre-acceleration program

CEED Hub Skopje opens a call for applications for the first Pre-Acceleration program in 2018.

The program is excellent for startups or individuals with a business idea and eager to develop it and turn it into real business. Trainers, couches and other professionals from the business industry will share their knowledge and experience while working together with participants on the business model development of their business ideas. Participants get pitch training to gain communication and presentation skills in order to deliver a great pitch on the DEMO day.

The program covers:

  • CANVAS business model
  • Mentoring
  • DEMO day (pitching)

Deadline: 25th of February

Start of the program: 28th of February

Price: 50 euro

*The value of the program is 500 Euros, of which CEED Hub Skopje covers 90% of the amount, while the remaining 10% are covered by the participants, they contribute with 50 Euros.

For detailed information contact: [email protected]; [email protected]; 078 459 067

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