Open Call for a video producer for SE-Bridge project’s needs

Social Enterprise – Bridge between Social sector and traditional Business (SE-Bridge) project is a two-year project aimed at strengthening social enterprises and social entrepreneurship by supporting the establishment of new social enterprises, strengthening their capacities, and existing social enterprise capacities, enabling collaboration with the traditional business sector, as well as facilitating social enterprise access to new markets and financing opportunities.

The project is implementing in the cross-border region, N. Macedonia – Albania, focusing on the Diber region in Albania and the Southwestern region of N. Macedonia, covering an additional two cross-border regions (one in each country).

As part of the support activities, the project will develop short promotional videos for social enterprises to promote their activities.  For that reason, the project opens a call for a video producer.

The service provider (video producer) will be responsible for the final product under the supervision of the project manager for the delivery of the following tasks:

– Research and preparation of the scenario;

– Production of video by visiting 6 grantees/social enterprises (3 in the Republic of North Macedonia and 3 in Albania);

– Post-production, audio and video processing of recorded material;

– As a final result, 6 short (1 min.) video stories should be produced and 1 video that incorporates all the stories including project staff interviews (3-5 min). All the videos should be with high resolution and a format that can easily be shared online and through social media.

– Adaptation of translation, translation where necessary and subtitling of video in Macedonian, Albanian and English;

Expected results

As a result of the implementation of the activity, the following should be achieved:

  • Preparation of promotional videos
  • Promotion of the videos on the social networks in order to point out the importance of social enterprises in managing processes related to social inclusion of marginalized communities and providing economic sustainability.
  • Increased visibility of the project, its implementer and donor.

Time frame

All the products should be submitted no later than 31st October 2019


The service provider will work in his premises, use his own funds, and for all issues he will directly cooperate with the project team. The quality of the video is approved by the project manager.

Interested candidates should submit their proposals, including total budget for completion of all activities, on the following e-mail address: [email protected], no later than 2pm on October 14th, 2019. All costs should be shown in Macedonian denars without VAT.

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