Projects Library

Social entrepreneurship as a possibility for self-sustainability of the organisations


Foundation Open Society Institute


September 2019 – July 2020


77.970 USD

Implementing Partners

Foundation CEED Macedonia – sole partner


North Macedonia




Project Summary:

With this project, CEED focused on supporting legal empowerment organizations in North Macedonia to consider starting social and commercial enterprise, identify the best and most feasible model for their organization and community, learn how to develop a sustainable model for these enterprises, analyze and review the potential models, thus provide for their organizations’ sustainability.


  1. Increasing the capacity for sustainability of the organizations through the own economic activity by opening and managing social enterprises
  2. Increasing the social impact of the organizations participating in the project through realization of the economic activity
  3. Strengthening of the individual capacities of the participating organizations in establishment and development of the social enterprise through transfer of knowledge and skills for developing of a sustainable business model
  4. Improvement of the self-sustainability of the participating organizations and the possibility for sustainability of the economic activities so far covered by donors


  1. Better understanding of the benefits of the social enterprise and increased motivation for establishing the one.
  2. Strengthen knowledge and skills for establishing and developing a business model for a social enterprise.
  3. Increased economic activity at the organizations, and improved sustainability.
  4. Development of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills among the participants of the project.