Projects Library
Advancing Green Agricultural Entrepreneurship in Secondary VET Schools
European Union – Erasmus + KA2
November 2024 – October 2026
250.000 EUR
Implementing Partners
- Grm Novo mesto – center biotehnike in turizma / Grm Novo mesto – centre of biotechnics and tourism
- Фондација ЦЕЕД Македонија / Foundation CEED Macedonia
- Zdruzhenie za poddrshka na ekonomskiot razvojlokalna akciona grupa (LAG) – Kochani / The Association for support of economic development – Local Action Group – Kochani (NGO LAG)
- 1o ERGASTHRIAKO KENTRO LARISAS / The 1st Laboratory Center of Larisa (Ε.Κ.)
- SUGS Brakja Miladinovci Skopje
- Poljoprivredna škola Radoš Jovanović – Selja
Slovenia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Greece
The “Green Agripreneurs” Eramsus project seeks to improve vocational education and training (VET) in agricultural secondary schools by introducing the principles of the green economy and sustainable agricultural practices. Acknowledging the significant environmental impact of the agricultural sector globally, the project aspires to mitigate issues such as soil erosion, water pollution, and chemical overuse.
The project will help create new educational models in agricultural VET schools that will shape the mindset of future agricultural professionals and future agripreneurs. It will incite development of entrepreneurial mindset in a green and sustainable context and will boost sustainable and green agripreneurial initiatives among agricultural VET students. It strives to help develop more flexible approach in educating future professionals in agriculture, as well as future agripreneurs, opening their horizons towards increasing opportunities in their future professional life, as well as towards sustainable & environmentally friendly practices.
This project is expected to have a transformative impact on VET education in agricultural secondary schools, creating an educational approach that will lead to a new generation of environmentally conscious and entrepreneurial agricultural professionals.
Specific project objectives:
- SO1: Empowering vocational students (future agri-professionals) by developing proper mindset and building relevant knowledge for their future involvement in the sustainable agricultural sector.
- SO2: Building the capacities of teachers in the agricultural VET schools to integrate green economy principles and sustainable agricultural practices into their teaching methods, apply methodology for development of green and sustainable mindset in VET students of agriculture, as well as for identification of environmental problems in the community and development of green agricultural solutions in a form of sustainable business models.
- SO3: Building students’ entrepreneurial & employability skills through creating and implementing a tailored Entrepreneurial Program, focusing on developing mindset and necessary skills of future agripreneurs in the covered countries.
- SO4: Incite cross-sectoral cooperation and participation of the business sector / start-ups in developing of sustainable agricultural practices in VET agricultural schools.
SO5: Promotion of advantages of transnational cooperation in improving VET educational process.
Activities to be delivered:
- Development of “Implementation of Design Thinking and Problem Based Learning Methodology in designing and implementation of sustainable agricultural projects” – teacher’s manual
- Development of “Implementation of sustainable agricultural practices in school curriculum – Best student’s practices.” – teachers’ guidebook.
- Design and delivery of 2 (two) Joint Capacity Building events
- Implementation of one Long-term Teaching/Learning assignments (simultaneously in all four partner schools)
- Organization of one Event for Presentation of Best Sustainable Agricultural Projects
- Project’s communication and promotional activities
- Organization of 3 national and 1 transnational dissemination events for distribution of project results and achievements
Results & project outcomes:
– At least 16 teachers from 4 schools will have their capacities raised for applying Project based learning and Design Thinking methodology for identification of problems and designing sustainable agricultural solutions in a form of a Business Canvas Models.
– 60 students will have their awareness and knowledge raised in the field of sustainable agriculture development, Business Canvas model i.e. identification of problems and designing green/sustainable agricultural solutions.
– Four VET secondary schools will gain new equipment and improved conditions for applying new teaching approaches in sustainable agriculture (increasing the learning impact).
– At least 16 students with increased skills for transnational cooperation and presentation (for 16 members of the best students’ teams that will participate on the blended mobility event)
– Increased skills for use of new technology in VET agricultural secondary schools among students and teachers
– At least 4 sustainable agricultural projects will be developed within the project (at least one per school).
– 1 Manual on the principles of sustainable agriculture will be developed, containing best practices in sustainable agriculture.